16TH Anniversary Of The Youth Wing Of (PSUV); SMG Youth League Salutes Party’s Commitment To The Bolivarian Revolution.

By Makiza Micheline Latifa

Formed as a merger of some of the political and social forces that support the Bolivarian Revolution started by President Hugo Chávez, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela, PSUV) is a far-left socialist political party in Venezuela which is working to build an inter-American coalition to implement Bolivarianism, nationalism and a state-led economy.

It is the largest political party in Venezuela and was formed on the ideals and principles of Simon Bolivar, an early 19th-century Venezuelan revolutionary leader, who was prominent in the Spanish American wars of independence that led to the liberation of most of northern South America from Spanish rule.

Affectionately called “El Libertador” which translates the liberator, Simón Bolívar has left a long lasting imprint on Venezuela’s history in particular and South America in general and continues to impact the lives of many even today.

The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) was Founded 17 years ago by Venezuelan politician and military officer, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frias, who served as the 52nd president of Venezuela from 1999 until his demise in 2013 and is an amalgamation of Chavez’s Fifth Republic Movement political party and several other political and social forces that support the Bolivarian Revolution.

The party’s youth wing (J-PSUV) which was also born 16 years ago, held its founding congress in Puerto Ordaz, Bolivar state, to construct the new organisation of the youth of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to organize, form and incorporate the Venezuelan youth into militant revolutionaries. The formation of the youth wing also sought to fight for the end of the exclusion, marginalization and discrimination that affects young people in order to create spaces to promote equality, freedom, and active participation of all youth.
As the J-PSUV marks its 16th anniversary celebration, the Youth Wing of the Socialist Movement of Ghana (SMG) has released a statement congratulating the youth movement on its achievements thus far.

According to the statement signed by the National Youth Leader of the SMG, Comrade Oboe Baiden, the J-PSUV’s sixteen years of unwavering commitment to the Bolivarian Revolution, the socialist cause, its dedicated service to the Venezuelan people, and its unrelenting struggle for a more just and equitable society is truly inspiring!

“As young Socialists, we draw strength and motivation from your example. We recognize that our struggles, though unique, are interconnected. We stand with you in solidarity against imperialism, neoliberalism, and all forms of oppression, the statement read.”

The communique also added that, the Socialist Movement of Ghana (SMG) is aware of the resent fascist and neo-fascist attempts by the empire to discredit the reelection of President Nicholas Maduro as the legitimate president of Venezuela.

“We condemn out rightly, any attempt to interfere in the electoral process of a sovereign Venezuela and assure you of our unalloyed support to protect the gains of the revolution and march side-by-side with you to give a coup de grace to Capitalism in all its forms for a more humane, just, and free world under the banner of Scientific Socialism.”

“May this milestone mark the beginning of even greater achievements and victories for the PSUV Youth Wing. We raise our fists in solidarity and look forward to continuing our shared struggle for a socialist future, the statement concluded.”

September 9, 2024

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