Concerns Raised Over Indiscipline In Senior High Schools.

BY: DANIEL OTU ASANTE                                                                                                 


Concerns over indiscipline has gained ground in some Senior High Schools across the country. The recent stabbing of a student which evokes sour memories readily comes to mind.

Senior high schools, once the bedrock of discipline and academic excellence, are increasingly becoming hotbeds of indiscipline, with both students and teachers contributing to this worrying trend. The situation has sparked concern among parents, educators, and policymakers, who fear that the menace could have long-term consequences on the quality of education and the moral fabric of society.

Reports from various senior high schools across the country highlight a disturbing rise in student indiscipline. Incidents of truancy, disrespect towards teachers, substance abuse, violence and even murder have become alarmingly common. In some cases, students have formed cliques or gangs, engaging in acts that undermine the safety and well-being of their peers.

In an interview with Pan African News, the General Secretary of the Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union of the TUC Mr. King James Azortibah, he highlighted that, the growing culture of indiscipline can be attributed to the lack of parental guidance, peer pressure, and the influence of social media, which glorifies rebellious behaviour.

Additionally, the overcrowded classrooms and the high teacher-to-student ratios in many schools make it difficult for educators to maintain control and enforce discipline effectively.

“I think indiscipline has become a canker which needs to be tackled by all. The huge number of students in schools are more than the teacher therefore putting pressure on the teachers alone but if parent will train their children very well, there will be less pressure on the teachers and monitoring will be well done.” This he said.

The General Secretary to the Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union Mr. King James Azortibah, again intimated that even though students may spend more time in schools, parents know their wards much better and should provide behavioural information to school authorities for better monitoring.

He asserted that “Parents should provide school authorities with some behavioral information which will aid teachers know how to address or manage students who need more attention”.

The failure of some teachers to adhere to professional standards has led to a breakdown in the teacher-student relationship, making it difficult for them to command respect and maintain discipline in the classroom and school. This, in turn, emboldens students to challenge authority and engage in disruptive behaviour.

September 11, 2024

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