Forum for Accountable Governance OSP over African Games Expenditure

Kwame Owusu Danso, President Forum for Accountable Governance

Dear Sir,


To: Office of the Special Prosecutor

From: Forum for Accountable Governance

Date: August 26, 2024

We, the members of the CSO Forum for Accountable Governance, petition your office to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the entire $245 million expenditure for the 13th African Games, held from March 4 to March 23, 2024.


The 13th African Games were a significant international event hosted by Ghana, requiring substantial financial investment. However, concerns have been raised about the transparency, accountability, and value for money in the use of public funds. There are also concerns about procurement related breaches, conflict of interest and other forms of corruption in the disbursement of the monies. We firmly believe, that this request falls within your operational mandate and as such your investigations into this matter will save our dear country a great deal.

Investigation Request:

We request your office to investigate the entire $245 million expenditure, due to our firm suspicion of acts of corruption and conflict of interest.


1. Vendor selection and procurement processes_

2. Contract awards and payments to vendors_

3. Quality and delivery of services and goods_

4. Potential conflicts of interest and favoritism_

5. Compliance with financial regulations and laws_

Specific Areas of Concern:

  1. Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) payment_: Investigate the $3.6 million payment to GBC for production and broadcasting rights, including the discrepancy in payment amounts and the outsourcing of technical production.
  • Food expenditure_: Investigate the $15 million expenditure on food for 5000 participants for 18 days, including:

    – Who was given the contract?

    – Breakdown of the cost per participant per day

    – Quality and delivery of food services

  • Media accreditation: Investigate the amount stated for media accreditation for the games, including:

    – Who was awarded the contract?

    – Breakdown of the costs of $4.6 Million

    – Quality and delivery of services

  • Vendor payments_: Investigate payments to all vendors, including those providing services for venue preparation, security, transportation, and accommodations.
  • Expenditure management_: Investigate the overall management of the $245 million budget, including any potential mismanagement, waste, or corruption.


– March 4 – 23, 2024: 13th African Games held

– March 13, 2024: $1 million paid to GBC

– May 22, 2024: Additional $1.5 million paid to GBC

– June 10, 2024: GBC Director-General states GBC entitled to $105,000

– July 15, 2024: GBC Director-General clarifies outsourcing due to lack of equipment.


We believe that a thorough investigation into the entire $245 million expenditure will promote transparency, accountability, and good governance in the use of public funds.

Signed, _

Kwame Owusu Danso

President Forum for Accountable Governance

+233 55 462 8081

August 29, 2024

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