Ghana Celebrity Impact Awards Launched In Accra To Honour Positive Social Contributions.

By Stanley Kwabla Arku


The Ghana Celebrity Impact Awards (GCIA) was officially launched today in Accra, marking the beginning of a groundbreaking initiative that seeks to harness the influence of celebrities and brands for societal good. The awards aim to recognize and celebrate individuals and companies dedicated to addressing some of the country’s most pressing social issues, offering a platform for positive change and community upliftment.

The GCIA is a pioneering awards scheme designed to foster responsibility and community engagement, encouraging prominent figures and businesses to use their platforms to drive impactful change. In an era where celebrity culture often revolves around fame and wealth, this initiative flips the narrative, urging influencers to channel their prominence into meaningful causes.

A Platform for Positive Change

The GCIA, which will unfold in various phases, is expected to highlight impactful initiatives that align with the scheme’s mission of advancing societal development.

Communications Director of the GCIA Kenneth Fiati, stressed the importance of leveraging influence for the greater good, stating, “The GCIA is not just about celebrating popularity; it’s about recognizing those who are making a real difference in our communities. We want to encourage more people to use their platforms to effect change.”

Nominations Now Open

As of today, the nomination process for the GCIA is officially open, with a period stretching from September 5 to October 5, 2024. During this time, the public is encouraged to nominate individuals and brands that have made significant contributions to social causes. To submit a nomination, participants must visit the official GCIA website, where they will be required to fill out a form detailing the nominee’s work and provide supporting documents such as testimonials or project reports.

Nominees will be evaluated on the impact of their contributions, with the ultimate goal of reinforcing the belief that influence comes with responsibility. The GCIA hopes to inspire more people to join the movement for societal betterment, using their resources and platforms to create lasting positive change.

The Ghana Celebrity Impact Awards scheme is expected to become a significant catalyst for fostering societal responsibility among influential figures. By celebrating those who have taken tangible steps to improve their communities, the GCIA aims to inspire a broader culture of social engagement and responsibility.

For more information on the Ghana Celebrity Impact Awards and how to nominate, visit

September 6, 2024

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