The Coordinating Council of the West Africa Peoples Organization met in Accra on 10th December, 2023, to hold its Fourth Ordinary Session and mark the commemoration of the first anniversary of the formation of the organization in Winneba.
All the members of the Coordinating Council were physically present, namely:
Philippe NOUDJENOUME, President
Martins EGBANUBI from Nigeria, First Deputy President
Kadidja N’DIAYE from Senegal, Second Deputy President
Kafui KAN-SENAYA from Ghana, Secretary General
Ekissi ACHY from Côte d’Ivoire, Treasurer General
Alassane ABOUBACAR from Niger, Imani na IMOJA from Guinea Bissau, Members
In attendance were Kwesi Pratt Junior, General Secretary of the SMG and Mama Sanni from Niger who took part in the opening session and the debates on the international and regional issues. The Coordinator of the Secretary General’s Secretariat, Nana Yaw Kubi-Appiah, was the recorder and took the minutes.
The first part of the Session focused on the following items:
- Analysis of the international and regional situation
- Review of WAPO’s activities over the past year and programme of activities for 2024.
The President of the Coordinating Council led the discussion on the international and regional situation focusing on the upheaval in the Middle East and the genocide being perpetrated against the heroic people of Palestine by the Israeli Zionists with the connivance of the imperialist United States and the Global North since
7th October 2023. The Coordinating Council condemned, in no uncertain terms, this barbaric situation and called on all progressive people of the world particularly those of the Global South to mobilize and vigorously denounce Apartheid Israeli, its colonial occupation and the ongoing ethnic cleansing through genocide.
At the West African regional level, the Council reviewed the major developments since its last Meeting held in June 2023; particularly, the sovereign coup d’état in Niger and the outbreak of the patriotic revolution in that country since 26th July, 2023. The Council condemned the proxy war being waged by imperialist France through ECOWAS, and selected West African Heads of State who are its stooge. The Council further welcomed achievements recorded since the creation of the Alliance of Sahel States comprising Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger which have led to the establishment of a central bank, issue of a single currency known as the Sahel and initiatives towards coordination of foreign policy. The Council also took note with concern the efforts being made by the United States through its local Ambassador to have the Nigérien authorities to embrace an IMF program. The Council has no illusion regarding the difficult struggles lying ahead and subsequently resolved to initiate contacts with the Alliance States.
The Council also took notice of the liberation of Kidal on 14th November 2023 and the prospects for peace this brings. The Council further regarded the defeat of the Jihadist forces in Kidal as one of the greatest victories against French imperialism since Diên Biên Phû in Vietnam in 1954 and Algeria in 1962. The Session believes that this highlights just one thing. The terrorist phenomenon in the Sahel is simply a creation of French colonialism in the sub-region targeted at destabilizing African countries and allow the installation of French military bases on our territories.
Finally, following an exhaustive review of the political situation in Guinea-Bissau, the Council unanimously denounced and condemned the constitutional coup d’état perpetrated by President Embâlo Sissoko OUMARO and gave its firm support to the PAIGC and the people of Guinea Bissau.
The second part of the Council’s Meeting evaluated WAPO’s activities over the past year and discussed the planned program of activities for 2024. The Council subsequently appreciated and approved the progress reports received from both the Secretary General and the President following which the draft program was adopted. Also discussed and approved by the Council was the International Conference on Anti-Imperialism scheduled to be held by the first quarter of 2024. The Session was brought to an end after the Council launched an appeal to all workers, young people and women
throughout West Africa to mobilise for the continuation and deepening of the patriotic revolution in the French-speaking Sahel zone in order to achieve the slogans dear to the founding fathers of Pan-Africanism, namely, to liberate and unite the African people.
On this special first anniversary, the Coordinating Council extends its unwavering solidarity to all forces of national liberation and independence.
We salute the peoples of Palestine, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic in their struggles against imperialist aggression, occupations and sanctions.
We, once more, demand sovereign equality of all countries.
Victoria e Certe!!!
Accra, 10th December 2023.

Below is the full document: