By: Daniel Asare
Student at Some Senior High School in Agbozume in the volta region are facing severe overcrowding in the dormitories due to inadequate infrastructure which cannot accommodate the school growing population, the situation has reached alarming level with about twenty students cramped into spaces designed for far fewer occupants.
This overcrowding has raised fewer concerns among both students and staffs about the potential health risks including the spread of diseases in such conditions and they are urging appealing for the constructing of more dormitory blocks to curb the menace in the school.

Some Senior High School in Agbozume is facing significant challenges including poor living and teaching conditions that have push the institution to a critical point. The Male and Female dormitory are seriously overcrowded forces students to endure uncomfortable sleeping arrangement since many students have no option than to sleep on the floor due to shortage of bed facilities in the school.
“The challenges we are facing in the dormitory are inadequate beds, so some of the students are sleeping on the floor, and also we need more furniture’s in the classroom to accommodate the first year students” says Armstrong Tetevi a student in the school
Senior Dinning hall prefect of Some Senior High School, Erica Agbo Anani called on government to support them with dining hall furniture’s.